Almost everyone in the pursuit of financial freedom is saying that you have to have short and long term goals, you have to follow them and track your progress, that is the key to success in achieving all of your financial goals.

Here you can find my financial goals for the year 2015. I consider them short term goals. I try to formulate my goals such that they can be measured and tracked if possible.

1. Passive income % of expenses

You can read about it on the Financial Independence section. I consider this the most important measure on the financial freedom journey. In 2014 the rolling average of the passive income % of expenses was 4.74% and the goal for 2015 is to achieve at least: 20% (read more from comments) 15.0%.

2. Expenses

Last year my expenses increased by 44.18%. This year goal is to keep my expenses at least 10% lower than last year. This should be doable as last year I had many new home purchase related expenses that are not relevant anymore this year.

3. Savings rate

You can read more about the savings rate on the Savings Rate page. Last year my rolling average 2014 savings rate was 44.2% but this year goal is to have at least 55%. This should be doable if I can manage my previous 2 goals.

4. Investments

This year goal is to invest at least the same amount of the money as last year. With the emphasize of investing more into dividend stocks if possible and find alternative opportunities to current loan based portfolio to diversify the portfolio. For example Tartu Hoiu-laenu Ühistu seems interesting.

5. Passive income from online

Today I have small niche website ( that is generating small amount of passive income. The goal for 2015 is to find idea and create some IT and online related project to earn more passive income. If any of you readers have some ideas we can team up and do the project 50:50. I have the technical and development skills and bit marketing skills and connections also.

5 thoughts on “2015 Goals

  1. Kristi ütleb:

    Quite impressive goals there! At that pace financial independence should be viable for you within 5-7 years. Not bad! Looking forward to hearing how you manage to fill the goals!

    1. Taavi ütleb:

      Thank you! I thought a long time before setting these goals. At first I wanted to set a lot pessimistic goals however then I remembered that setting too easy objectives is not the best way to motivate. Better bit higher than normally to step out of the comfort zone. I also don’t think that I can reach the financial independence so quickly. I think I need at least 9 years more to reach level 1.

  2. Tauri ütleb:


    Nice goals you have. Hopefully you will succeed by the end of year 2015.
    I have one ‘passive income’ idea, how can I contact you?

    1. Taavi ütleb:

      Thanks! You are correct, there is no obvious clue how to contact with me. I added contact form to the sidebar. You can contact using it or on Facebook.

  3. Taavi ütleb:

    I have second thoughts about my first goal. I made some calculations and assuming that my expenses will stay same as last year I have to increase my passive income 4.4x times to achieve 20%. I think it is too much for 2015 because quite large percentage of my investments are into real estate loans where there are no expected returns yet in 2015. So I lowered my goal to 15%. This is more realistic. I will track this goal more closely at least every quarter and report here if I am still on track or not. Forgive me my first optimism 😀


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